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The Westborough Community Chorus (WCC) is a SATB, non-auditioned singing group in Boston's metrowest region. Our twin goals are providing personal and community musical enjoyment and supporting local students through music lesson scholarships.


Come join our chorus family! Through singing with us, attending our shows, or participating in other events, we would LOVE to see you.

Click a button to make a direct donation ~ Thank you!


Music? Friends? Fun? Yes Please!

A new season has begun!

 Rehearsals for our Spring Show "Be Our Guest" May 2nd, 3rd, 4th will begin on Monday, January 13, 2025 @  7 p.m.

at the Westborough Senior Center.

Contact THE PRESIDENT for more information.

LOOKING for Tenors & Basses - come try us out!

Dues to join for the 2025 Spring is $30 

No experience necessary, all local singers over 18 welcome!

Save time! Pay dues now HERE!!

Dec 2024 Westboro Tree Lighting_edited.jpg
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Live Concert

And the WINNERS are....

The 2024 Scholarship Winners

Ishani Datta - VOICE - 9th grade Westborough High School

Augustus Duncan - VOICE - 12th grade Westborough High School

Annastasia LaLacheur - TRUMPET - 12th grade Westborough High School

Michelle Lo - VIOLIN - 11th grade Westborough High School

Callen Marr - OBOE - 11th grade  Grafton High School


now has VENMO!

You can use the link above to sign in or get the Venmo App or scan here with the app. on your phone!

You can also search: @wcc_1971

Venmo can be used to pay dues or 

make a donation.

Please specify amount when you pay.



If you are able, we always appreciate support in keeping WCC running. Please consider clicking the buttons below and donating today to our funds:

  • General Fund: keeps the chorus running! This fund pays for our show costs like building rentals, police services in crowd control, signage, music, and paying our support staff (director, accompanist, etc.). 

  • Scholarship Fund: keeps our community learning! This fund provides music lesson scholarships to local middle and high school students.

Westborough Community Chorus is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and donations may be tax-deductible. 


WCC members are mostly from the metrowest area - from Worcester, east to Framingham - but some travel from as far as Boston to join us! We range in age from 20s to 80s, with all levels of singing and musical experience. 

Members pay dues of $30 per show (or $50 per year) to support the chorus, but we never let funding stand in the way of people's participation - please speak to our president, vice president, treasurer, or director if you are unable to afford dues.


WCC performs two shows per year - a holiday performance in early December and a differently-themed spring show in early May.

While most members sing in both shows, we are more than happy to have singers join as they are able per show. We encourage members to attend all rehearsals both for their benefit and so their beautiful voices can benefit others!


"Bringing people together to sing in a chorus is a matter of osmosis. They help and learn from each other"

— Faith Newark, Founding Member and First Director

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